Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mistery of Borobudur Temple

May believe it or not, Borobudur temple apparently been built upon one primordial lake. Before, those area constitute estuary of a variety river flow. Since most lava sediment agglomeration then as plain. At the early century goes to VIII, Samaratungga's king of Syailendra's Dynasty afterwards build Borobudur Temple, captained by architect named Gunadharma, all through year 746 Saka or 824 Masehi.

Usufruct geological study that done by Ir Helmy Murwanto Master Of Science, Ir Sutarto MT and Dr Sutanto of UPN'S Geology' Veteran' and Prof Sutikno of UGM'S Geography proves, in the presence lake at Borobudur Temple's area really correctness marks sense. That research is done since 1996 and still continued thus far. Even, year 2005, research about primordial lake existence that by on duty mining and Intermediate Javanese Province Energy, CV Composes Opus and Puskat's Audiovisual Studio, made by scientific documentary film with title' Borobudur lotus in the middle Lake'.

Temple area hypothesizing Borobudur constitutes lake, first interposed by Dutch architect artist, Nieuwenkamp, year 1930. In its book gets title' Fiet Borobudur Meer' (Borobudur's lake), interposed, Borobudur's temple is imagined as Fries Lotus in the middle pool. That pool as lake. This because morphology around it drawned round by Menoreh mountain and volcano.

"But that hypothesizing is reputed sheer illusion by Van Erp, one that captain Borobudur Temple restoration on year 1907 1911. Even been looked on as opinion that preexists, since doesn't be backed up strength evidence as inscription about marks sense lake at those area," say Helmy to KR at UPN Veteran’s Mineralogy and Petrology Laboratory Yogya.

That hypothesizing in the end conspicuous pro of various knowledge discipline. Don't except Helmy and friend. As person of geology of Muntilan's region, Helmy perceives most dare to do similar research since 1996. "One that we analyze are black clay sediment those are at Temple vicinity creek bed Borobudur which is River Sileng, An river Progo and An River Ell," allegedly.

After take black clay sample and does laboratory analysis, apparently black clay a lot of contain cream powder of swamped community plant or lake. For example Commelina, Cyperaceae, Nymphaea stellata, Hydrocharis. "Popular terminology lotus plant, water plant that precipitates at lake while that," allegedly.

That research continually continues. Besides black clay, timbered fossil also been analysed by C14'S carbon radio. Of that analysis is acknowledged upper black clay sediment old 660 years. On year 2001, Helmy does black clay boring on depth 40 meters. After been analysed by C14'S carbon radio known by that black clay is old 22 thousand years. "So in conclusion, that lake have available since 22 thousand last year, go away before Temple Borobudur is built, then ends in the late century go to XIII," allegedly.

Why ends, say Helmy, since lake environment constitute estuary of some river which comes from active volcano, as Pabelan's River of Merapi Mountain, An Elo river of Merbabu Mountain, An river Progo of Sumbing Mountain and Sindoro. An river that take in lava sediment that by degrees gets estuary and stored up lake. So lake gets shallow, becoming narrow then followed by lava sediment Locks-up Merapi on century XI. So long too long lake dehydrates to be piled lava sediment and changed as plain Borobudur as present as.

Say Helmy, upon done by boring, its lake sediment a lot of issue gas and brine. "But by degrees its pressure decreases, and present vesture as monument only," allegedly.

Targetted, on next research would be analyze its large bearing lake with environmental formative history of Borobudur from time to time, water beginning goes out to sea to come in until oceanic is closed so amends becomes lake, then lake becomes swamp and as plain.

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